April 2, 2009
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Thanks for coming aboard!
-Capt. Ben

Friday, December 19, 2008

12.19- Scow-Schooner "Nina"

Capt. Dayton Trubee of the "Nina," a scow-shooner, climbs the main-mast ratlines with First Mate Ingrid Code at the helm as they cruised Oriental Harbor looking for a good spot to drop the hook
(Click on image or here for full size)

This beauty ("Nina," homeport Baltimore MD) came into Oriental Harbor near sunset this evening.

I was going to do a bit of research and write something up discussing this type of boat here on ONCDP, but my first Google revealed that the story of this very boat herself (including an explanation of the Australian flag atop her mainmast) is already online:

I highly recommend reading the TownDock.Net "Shipping News" article about "Nina" when she was here in Oriental almost four years ago... very interesting story... Read the 2005 TownDock.Net story here

Since then, in 2007, Nina had some work done at the de Rouville Boat Shop in NJ.

Also in 2007, the Nina's First Mate, Ingrid Code, has also written this article in Wooden Boat about another schooneer, "Steadfast."


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